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Purchase Dr. Bufford's New Book
Lent Begins March 5, 2025
8:30am - 9:00am   Intercessory Prayer 
                               Every Sunday 
9:10 am - 9:50am Christian Education         (Sunday School) 
10:15 am Sunday Morning Worship 
"IMPACT TRIBE Ministry" (Children, Youth, & Teens)
          Meets Every 2nd & 4th Sunday@10:30am
Every Tuesday @7:15pm with Dr. Bufford
Noonday Prayer & Bible Study with                      Bishop Bufford Every Wednesday


 About Us

Our Mission

 The mission of the Bethel Impact Baptist Church is 
"Touch Lives With the Word of God."

"As founder and pastor of the Bethel Impact Baptist Church, my passion is to nurture a community of people in the loving grace, mercy, and forgiveness of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Whereas, that same community of people would, in turn, touch the lives of others in the same character of Jesus Christ, carrying out the great commission of the church to "Make Disciples."

Dr. Teresa L. Bufford


Our Vision

The vision of Bethel Impact Baptist Church is to be
a spirit-filled community of Christ-believers whose practice is exuberant praise and worship, teach the Word of God with simplicity and effectiveness, and to empower and equip disciples with the Word of God that they may go out and disciple others.

Who We Are

We Are . . .

The Bethel Impact Baptist Church is a . . .
B ody of Believers that
E ducate Christian leaders
T each and Train disciples
H elp those in need
E xemplify God's Word and Excel in Excellence
L ove all people


What We Believe

We believe the Bible is the inspired infallible Word of God. We believe in the Triune God - the one God who exists in three persons . . . Father the creator, Jesus Christ His Son and redeemer of mankind; and the Holy Spirit our helper. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God by which all men must be saved. We believe in the gift of the Holy Spirit and the operation thereof. We believe that God is at work in the world redeeming mankind back to Him. We believe salvation is by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. We believe mankind is saved by the grace of God and Christians have a purpose to impact the world with Christian core values and principles to live by.

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